
User Guide


Add tasks to list

Add either a todo, event or deadline task to the list. For event and deadline, a schedule is required.

Mark task as done

Mark selected tasks as done.

Delete task from list

Delete selected tasks from the list.

Snooze task to later date

For tasks with a schedule, delay the schedule a certain amount of days based on user input.

Find task with a specific keyword

Find list of tasks from a keyword specified by user.


todo - Create a todo task and add it to the list

Example of usage:

todo learn java

Expected outcome:

I've added this task to the list: [T][X] learn java

event - Create a event task and add it to the list

Example of usage:

event nus career fair /at 2020-02-04

Expected outcome:

I've added this task to the list: [E][X] nus career fair (at: Feb 04 2020)

deadline - Create a deadline task and add it to the list

Example of usage:

deadline submit project /by 2020-03-24

Expected outcome:

I've added this task to the list: [D][X] submit project (at: Mar 24 2020)

delete - Delete selected tasks from the list (multiple tasks selection available)

Example of usage:

delete 1 2 4

Expected outcome:

Nice! Deleted tasks(unknown task number ignored): [T][X] learn java

done - Mark selected tasks as done (multiple tasks selection available)

Example of usage:

done 2 3 5

Expected outcome:

Nice! Tasks marked as done(unknown task number ignored): [T][V] learn java

find - Look up all tasks that contain a specific keyword

Example of usage:

find school

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 1. [T][X] go to school

list - List all tasks stored by duke

Example of usage:


snooze - delay a task with schedule by a certain number of days

Example of usage:

snooze 1 20

Expected outcome:

Task schedule or deadline updated: [E][X] nus career fair (at: Jun 2020)

bye - Exit duke

Example of usage:


help - List out all commands available or details about a specific command

Example of usage:

help help snooze